
Friday, November 19, 2010

Creating A Blog At

Other than Blogspot, you probably have heard of creating a free blog at wordpress. Although it is not as popular as blogspot, its blog script is used on most of the self-hosted blog in the world. It means that:

"If you are going to buy your own domain and create a blog on it, you are very likely going to use the script by Wordpress!"

On this post, I will be sharing about the free blog you can create with Wordpress. After creating a few blog with them, the following are my personal opinion about it.

Wordpress is more convenient and easy to use compare to blogspot. The fun part about it is you can change the structure of the permalink to turn your blog posts into more seo friendly and get the blog to ping major sites every time you publish a new blog posts. These 2 features gives you more visitors in the long term.

The problem about a free wordpress blog is that the themes are not as flexible as blogspot. For blogspot, you can download various themes on the Internet and use them. For wordpress, you could just choose the themes made available to you in their dashboard only (this might change over time though).

The widgets are quite similar to blogspot. Since I’m not a big fan of fancy widgets, you can try them out and discuss about the differences.

Anyway, that’s all for my opinion about wordpress free blog.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Using Blogspot To Build A Website (Part 3)

The last 2 post I have been sharing some of the benefits and drawbacks of using blogspot to build a website:

Using Blogspot To Build A Website (Part 1)
Using Blogspot To Build A Website (Part 2)

Of course, there are more. In this post, I’m going to share with you when and what kind of situation you should use Blogspot to build your own website.

Situation #1: On A Zero Budget

If you have no budget at all to build your personal or company website, Blogspot is a good start. Since it is free, easy to setup and putting up contents, you get your website up at totally no cost.

Situation #2: For Fun

If you are just going to build a blog for fun and to share some ideas and information with friends, blogspot is the right place for you. Since it doesn’t look official, people are willing to read interesting stuff on your blog and probably interact.

Situation #3: Temporary

If you need a website in 5 minutes, Blogspot can help you with that. I use to face situation that some people need a website up and running at the same day. Blogspot will be suitable in this situation. However, you have to always remember that it is just temporary.

If you use blogspot too long where you start to get stable visitors and stable customers, it might be too hard to pull out from it. That means you might get stuck with a not-professional-website using subdomain name and risk of being shut down.

Building a professional and nice looking website is not expensive at all. Within this week, I will share with you how to build a great website with only $22 and 60 minutes. The good thing about this method is also you don’t need to be a programmer or loaded technical skills. Please check out the sidebar for more tips.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Using Blogspot To Build A Website (Part 2)

On last post, I’ve shared the benefits of using blogspot to build a company website.

So, what are the disadvantages?


1. Very Low Credibility

When you build your company website from blogspot, guest what people will think about your website?

Yup! Most of the time, they think that it is not a trustworthy site. Since everyone including college student without any budget could setup their own blogspot account, people normally thinks that blogspot website have very low credibility.

Still don’t believe? Just ask yourself the following question:

"Will I offer my credit card information to a website built on blogspot?"

Probably not right? If you are trying to sell products and services online or providing information about your company, a blogspot website will not make your company look good.

2. No Control

Since Blogspot is the property of Google, they own your blog. If they suspect you are doing some sneaky activities or for whatever reason, they could delete your blog without noticing you. I’ve heard people who lose their 4-figure monthly income and all their content because Google decided to just close their blog down.

So, what business and when can you use blogspot for a website?

On the next post, I will share with you about my opinion about blogspot websites.

Using Blogspot To Build A Website (Part 1)

If you have been carefully observing advertisements on vehicles and shops, you might find some of companies use blogspot to build their own website. Although Blogspot is a free website you can use to build a company website, is it good?

Most important, can it help your business?

Can you use it to make money and increase sales for your business?

After some studies and my own experiments, I have came out with my own conclusions and opinions about it. Using Blogspot as a website has the following benefits and drawbacks:


1. Free

That’s obvious isn’t it. With blogspot, you don’t have to buy a domain name, subscribe to webhosting or hire designers to create your websites. All you need to do is just register an account and everything is give to you. You’ll have your own blog, designs and various settings in your dashboard.

2. Easy

You don’t have to know about programming to build your own blogspot blog. Once your register, choose your design, probably add a few gadgets and you can start adding contents. Easy and quick!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Web Creation Software Blog is born!

Welcome to the Web Creation Software website.

In this website, you are going to get lots of great information about how you can create a website for yourself or company. Hiring website designers have really been very expensive these days. Therefore, web creation software, freelance designers and free software to create websites are getting very popular these days.

Since I love free and cheap stuff, I have been trying all these tools over the last 4 years. Over the last few years, I have found great tools and software which I can share with you on this website.

If you are looking forward to build a personal website for free or professional business website for a very low budget, the articles and contents here can really help you.

Welcome and hope you could subscribe to the blog's RSS to receive new updates regularly.